It seems like everyone has a tattoo these days. Our attitude towards tattoos has become much more accepting in the last ten years. But most global airlines – including Emirates, Etihad, Qatar Airways and British Airways – still have strict policies. Find out the rules and exceptions!

In recent years tattoos have become more and more accepted. In the US, nearly a quarter (24%) of Americans have a tattoo. The UK is not far behind, with around 19% of the population having a tattoo. For young people, the numbers are even higher. In America, 32% of 18-45 year olds have at least one tattoo. And while a tattoo is still considered taboo in some countries, the general trend is toward acceptance and appreciation.

But there is one area that has failed to change this attitude – Research has consistently shown that employers – and especially airlines – discriminate against potential candidates who have tattoos. In a study by Kings College London, researchers concluded that "tattoos are still considered unacceptable in many workplaces".

Most airlines have very strict guidelines when it comes to their cabin crew tattoo policy. That doesn't necessarily mean you can't have tattoos, but ones that are "visible" will normally stop you from becoming a flight attendant.

Where are tattoos allowed (and not allowed)?

Most airlines do not allow cabin crew to have visible tattoos in the red colored areas.

Are Emirates flight attendants allowed to have tattoos?

The simple answer is yes, Emirates has the same policy as many international airlines and allows cabin crew to have tattoos as long as they are not visible when wearing the airline uniform.

Other airlines that have the same policy include: Etihad Airways, flydubai, Air Arabia, British Airways, Virgin Atlantic, EasyJet, Qantas, Virgin Australia and Jetstar.

What does "visible tattoos" mean?

This depends on gender and airline uniform. However, the "visible" parts of the body can be generalized as follows...


Head and neck

The beginning of the arms to the hands and wrists

The beginning of the knees to the ankles and feet.


Head and neck

The beginning of the arms to the hands and wrists

If the tattoo is not completely covered by the uniform, then it is "visible". Also, keep in mind that even if you have a tattoo on an area that isn't "visible" — like your back or chest — the airline may make you follow additional rules. A lot of airlines have white shirts and the tattoos would be visible underneath. Therefore, you will need to wear a white T-shirt.

Can I cover a visible tattoo?

Covering a visible tattoo with a bandage, plaster or make-up is not allowed. If you have a tattoo (no matter how small) in one of the areas shown above, most airlines will not allow you to become cabin crew with them. If you have a really small tattoo on your ankle or wrist, then it might be tempting to keep it a secret and hope no one finds out. Don't try to do this – If the airline discovers the tattoo, they will most likely terminate your contract immediately.

Does Qatar Airways allow cabin crew to have tattoos?

Not. Qatar Airways does not allow cabin crew to have tattoos – whether visible or not. The state of Qatar follows a strict interpretation of Islam and tattoos are considered Haram (forbidden). As a state-owned company, Qatar Airways does not employ flight attendants with tattoos.

What if I removed visible tattoos?

Even with the implications on future employment opportunities, most people don't regret getting a tattoo. In a recent study, only 14% of tattooed British adults regretted it. But if you decide that you prefer the flight attendant career, then we recommend that you remove your tattoo. Invest in a professional and reputable laser removal service. Effective and safe professional tattoo removal requires between 7 and 12 laser treatments.