Summer school

We are the only Aviation Academy in Romania that wants to introduce children to the world of aviation to discover the beauty of the pilot job. Thus, we have created 2 different programs, through which young people will be able to get in touch with the airplanes with which they start their career pilot training or learn how to fly a Boeing 737 airplane, like airline pilots.

The programs are built on the simplified structure of courses for pilots and combine over 25 hours, theory with practice - 5 hours each day, from Monday to Friday. Young aviators discover and experience the basics of core subjects such as principles of flight, aircraft knowledge, meteorology, navigation and communication alongside active professionals in the field.

If your child also dreams of a successful career or you want to give him an unforgettable experience, the JETAV Summer School is the perfect opportunity for the summer vacation!

During the summer vacation time is not wasted sitting at home, it is time to explore and have fun with other flight enthusiasts, learning new things every day that can lay the foundations for a beautiful future. Choose from the 2 programs depending on the child's age: School at Strejnic Airport (Real pilots) and School at JETAV flight simulators (Junior Aviators – SEP & Young Aviators – Boeing).

School at Aerodrom

500 €

The school at the airport is full of adrenaline and fun with pilots and professionals in the field where children will fly with one of the JETAV planes!

Școala la Aerodrom

Boeing 737 simulator school

350 €

When you are passionate about flying, the world is infinitely more beautiful! Children between the ages of 12 – 17 have the chance to experience the magic behind the wheel of our B737NG Simulator.

Școala la simulator Boeing 737

SEP simulator school

350 €

Curiosity must be fed! Now children between the ages of 8 – 11 have the chance to experience flight at the wheel of the Single Engine Piston simulator.

Școala la simulator SEP

Contact us for details

+40 728 354 448

Order an activity for your child