When you are passionate about flying, the world is infinitely more beautiful from the cockpit! Now you have the chance to experience the sensation of piloting yourself from the cockpit of the Boeing 737 passenger plane. It doesn't matter the experience or the minimum and maximum age, for us it matters that every aviation enthusiast and curiosity has an excellent experience with our pilots trained for to guide you on this story journey. Do you want to give a unique gift, organize a teambuilding like never before or treat your fear of flying? We invite you to fly!

Purchase now

Experience the magic behind the wheel of the JETAV – Boeing 737NG simulator.

A simulator session consists of 20 minutes of briefing and one hour of flight on the B 737NG simulator. To test a real flight, such as Otopeni - Sibiu or Vienna - Innsbruck more special procedures, such as flight with turbulence, crosswind, storm, night flight, engine failure, we recommend 2 sessions.

Activity 1 – Welcome

  • Meet the pilot in charge
  • Presentation of the JETAV team

Activity 2 – Individual briefing – 20 min

  • Brief aviation history
  • Introducing the B737 - the best-selling passenger plane
  • Cockpit presentation (flight controls/indicators/instruments/control panels)
  • Presentation of B737 "procedures and checklist"

Activity 3 – Individual simulator flight – 1 hour

  • Positioning at a favorite airport with a great view
  • Cabin preparation after preflight/before start/before taxi/before takeoff procedures
  • Taxiing and takeoff-after takeoff
  • Flight maneuvers with and without autopilot with and without "Flight Director"
  • Descent landing briefing/approach checklist · Missed landing
  • Full stop landing

Activity 4 – Debriefing

  • We answer aviation questions and curiosities
  • Presentation of courses and school modules for private pilots-PPL and commercial pilots-CPL
  • Group and individual photos

Cost of a session:

09:00 – 17:00


17:00 – 21:30




The JETAV simulator is located at the headquarters in Pipera, Henri Coandă neighborhood, Str. Francisc Munteanu, no. 97, sector 1, Bucharest, Romania.

Plan your next adventure
Call now to book your first B737 simulator session

+40 728 354 448

Order the voucher