Junior Aviators

350 €

Curiosity must be fed! The little ones have the chance to experience the magic, at the wheel of the SEP (Single Engine Piston) flight simulator.

Age 8 – 11 years
Groups: 4 people
Theory: 1 hour
Simulator: 4 hours
Location: JETAV Headquarters - Francisc Munteanu Street No. 97, Bucharest

Schedule: 9:00 – 14:00; L – V

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Discover the School in the SEP simulator


Let's meet, introduce the JETAV team - the administrative staff and pilots responsible for flight activity.

The pilots will do a little aviation history, they will present the Single Engine Piston simulator – cockpit presentation (flight controls/indicators/instruments/control panels).

In the simulator

Positioning at a preferred airport with a special view and preparing the cabin after preflight/before start/before taxi/before takeoff procedures followed by taxiing and takeoff-after takeoff.

Flight maneuvers with and without autopilot, with and without "Flight Director" will be taught.
Finally, landing with a miss but also landing with a full stop.
The simulation time is 4 hours.


Our teachers will answer aviation questions and curiosities. The trainees will be taken to the classroom, where, just like at the JETAV aviation academy, they will be taught theory adapted to their understanding for an hour.

Contact us for details

+40 728 354 448

Order an activity for your child