It has taken me a while to write this text because aviation professionals are trying their best at this time and much of what is written about this industry is charged with the energy of closure, stagnation and in some cases transformation . I hope the lines below bring more optimism and confidence.

In aviation, during this period, changes are being made on a global scale at the level of personnel, culture and organizational and operational administration.

We can see the individual transformation that takes place through the termination of an employment contract, through relocation as a result of the termination of an employment contract, salary changes, canceled trainings.

In my 9 years of experience in aviation, I have been through all these stages of change and transformation in this industry. I have experienced each stage and assimilated and integrated the wonderful lessons.

Two years ago, we embraced change naturally, not forced by the pandemic. I gave up a high position and financial status with the intention of building a future in commercial aviation in Europe. I made a voluntary downgrade. An unpopular and controversial action, but necessary for me. The "I know everything" mindset is famous as an important mental barrier in aviation, in crisis situations, downright dangerous.

During the journey from Qatar back to Romania, I faced adventures and motley characters, as in any journey that involves change.

In Romania, in aviation, the educational and relational support was offered to me by the Jetav Academy, through Mihaela Năstase and the other trainers of the school.

For a person with my aviation experience (over 9500 flight hours, various fleets: A380, A340, A330, A320 family, B787, B777-200 and 300ER and experience as lead operations crew wet release in Morocco) to resume the courses for a month to get your EASA Certificate was really a challenge because it all seemed absurd.

Little information was unknown and the AACR-mandated one-month time frame that the school must adhere to is an outlier.

Experienced flight attendants in the Middle East do not need guidance in theoretical, emotional, behavioral, mindset and attitude training for a month. A refresh of two or three days was enough. They know how to learn, what to learn and what questions to ask.

The courses at Jetav Academy and my experience there gave me something that you can only get in a learning environment. Ability to self-assess against the work environment, peers and industry. With such "insights", the decision-making process (which companies to apply to and where you could add value) is simpler, the process of cultural readjustment easier. a

"planned emergency" is much easier to manage than an "unplanned" one, right?

Jetav Academy supports you in this aspect and values your experience by providing space and trust.

Another advantage that I appreciate after attending courses at Jetav Academy is that of networking in the industry. Connecting with national and European Aviation colleagues.

At the courses you have the opportunity to get to know the people, the mindset, the culture of aviation in Romania. Group learning has its advantages and the experiences exposed by other peers are valuable. The colleagues in my group were diverse in professional experience.

After the two years of interacting with aviation professionals in Romania, I can say that experienced flight attendants in the Middle East are wanted and wanted as employees in aviation, when it will relaunch and recalibrate, to the extent that they also embrace it, they encourage her and put effort into this relationship.

Besides, it's like that everywhere, isn't it?

Although the current times are challenging, I am confident that the professionalism of the airmen, their courage and their ability to adapt and transform will sustain them during this period and help them to relaunch later.

Cristina Cretu