Pilot for a day
150 euros
It's your first FLYING LESSON! Feeling the magic of flight is one of the most captivating experiences you can have.
Activity 1 – Welcome drink coffee/tea
- We're getting to know each other
- Presentation of the JETAV team - administrative staff and pilots responsible for the event
- Presentation of security and safety rules
Activity 2 – Joint briefing – 30 min
- Presentation of Strejnic airfield and JETAV school training facilities (hangar/briefing room/VIP lounge/flight preparation procedure)
- Presentation of safety zones
- Guided visit to the hangar
- Flight preparation
- Aircraft description - control surfaces and flight instruments
- Brief history of aviation and model aircraft
Activity 3 – Individual presentation flight -30 min/pers
- Real flight with a pilot in one of the areas of the Strejnicu airfield
- Explanations - effects on orders
- Identification of on-board equipment and instruments
- Touch and go landing
- Landing with "full stop"
Activity 4 – Joint debriefing
- We answer aviation questions and curiosities
- Presentation of Aviation School courses and modules for private pilots-PPL and commercial pilots-CPL
*You can come with a maximum of 2 guests who will stay at the JETAV lounge/terrace area during the flight.