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6 years ago · by · Comments Off on The 9 things that flight attendants notice about passengers that board the plane

The 9 things that flight attendants notice about passengers that board the plane

Last year, a flight enthusiast thought to explore forums and ask flight attendants around the world (via Quora) what they notice about passengers when boarding an airplane. Why?

To make a good impression and understand what are the flight attendants’ expectations from the clients. Moreover, he also found out how a novice behaves compared to a passenger who flies more often and why it is important for crew members to pay attention when boarding.

You probably thought that the attention you receive from the cabin crew members is part of their duty to make you feel comfortable and safe. Well, their responsibility is not only that. When boarding, in order to make sure that everything is going well, cabin crew members need to take into consideration all the possibilities.

Here is what they have to notice when boarding:

1. What kind of clothes you wear.

2. What kind of baggages you have.

3. If you travel alone or not.

4. If you are a patient person.

5. If you had alcohol.

6. If you are an experienced passenger.

7. What kind of books/magazines you have.

8. If you are a selfless person.

9. If you have food with you.

Additionally, the crew members pay also attention to the physical abilities and the passengers’ English skills, especially of those who sit near the safety exits.

Even though they have 3-4 seconds, experienced flight attendants can figure out passengers who have fear of flying, in order to reassure them that everything is going to be fine.

All of these things provide an overview of the cabin crew for an unforeseen situation that they can prevent or control. Of course, these situations are extremely rare, but you have to be always prepared. As a member of the cabin crew, you need to be smart and observe potential “resources”.

The theory is easy to learn, but the ability of the crew members to “read” passengers in detail is a true art.



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