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6 years ago · by · Comments Off on Medical fitness for flying – Safety first!

Medical fitness for flying – Safety first!

For us, it is very important for all students who come to us to have all the information necessary in order to have a successful career.

An essential factor in aviation is good health. Therefore, please find below everything you need to know about the medical certificate that ensures that you can practice your dream job safely.

Why do I need a medical certificate?

In order to be able to work safely, either as a pilot or as a cabin crew member, you must have a medical certificate stating that you are perfectly healthy, both physically and mentally.

What kind of certificate do I need and how do I get it?

If you want to become a pilot, you need a 1st Class medical certificate.

If you want to become a cabin crew member, you need a 2nd Class certificate.

You can get these certificates in special centers*, recognized by the Romanian Civil Aeronautics Authority.

Immediately after the medical evaluation, you will receive the answer and will be informed of any factors that might restrict your training at Jetav Flight Training.

  • *Aero Med

Bucuresti – Ploiesti Street, km 8,5 (inside Utilitary Aviation); Phone/ fax: 004;

  • * National Institute of Aeronautical and Space Medicine “ General Doctor Aviator Victor Anastasiu’’ / *Central Military Hospital

88 Mircea Vulcănescu Street, Sector 1, Bucharest, Phone: 0040 21.318.73.46; 004 021.319.70.90; 004 021.318.72.49;

For how long is this certificate valid?

The certificate is valid for 12 months, thus validating the cabin crew certification for the same period.

Even after obtaining the certificate, your medical skills will be tracked to ensure your safety. If a decrease is noted, the certificate is suspended.

More information…

Therefore, all operating cabin crew members must either:

– Hold a valid cabin crew medical report issued in accordance with Subpart C of Part-MED (Annex IV of EU Regulation 1178/2011)


– Have been assessed as fit following a medical assessment under Regulation (EEC) No. 3922/91 Annex III (EU-OPS) OPS 1.995 within the previous five years.

Health professionals undertaking EU Cabin Crew medical assessments

Medical examinations and medical assessments for cabin crew may be performed by an Aero-Medical Examiner or approved by a Occupational Health Medical Practitioner. In the case of the latter, the expert must obtain approval from the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority. Apart from the qualifications in labour medicine, he must have additional knowledge in aero-medicine.

Note: Some employers will also request a medical check-up from their healthcare department or provider in this regard.

When requesting a health assessment conducted under EU rules, you need to get a medical report signed by one of the two examiners mentioned above to certify whether you are fit or not and to specify any limitations.

Medical assessment for occupational health purposes is a matter for the employer and, in some circumstances, it is possible that you may pe assessed as not meeting the requiremements for cabin crew duties.

Medical examination and assessment

All new cabin crew require an initial medical examination. Periodic medical assessments are required for all cabin crew at intervals of no more than 60 months.

Cabin crew periodic medical assessments carried out up to 45 days prior to the expiry date of the previous Medical Report.

A crew member shall not operate after the expiry date of their Medical Report until they have been medically assessed as fit and issued with a Medical Report.

If the Medical Report has expired, the Aero-Medical Examiner or Occupational Health Medical Practitioner need only carry out a new medical assessment.

Additional medical examinations or assessments may be necessary if:

– a cabin crew member returns to work following a prolonged period of illness

– there is any doubt about the continued fitness of a cabin crew member

Medical report

Following a medical examination or assessment, the crew member will be issued with a Medical Report, which must be signed by the Aero-Medical Examiner or Occupational Health Medical Practitioner. The crew member must sign the report and provide a copy to their employer. There is no standard format for the Medical Report, but it must contain all of the elements specified in AMC1 MED.C.030.

Decrease in medical fitness

Cabin crew who hold a Medical Report and experience a decrease in medical fitness are required to seek further advice.

They should seek guidance from their manager on the procedure to be followed if they experience a decrease in medical fitness. In most instances this will require them to seek advice from the operator’s occupational health service or adviser.



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(+4) 0737 880 100

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(+4) 0722 465 585