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4 years ago · by · Comments Off on Interviu cu Laura Cristina, cursanta noastra

Interviu cu Laura Cristina, cursanta noastra

Nu si-a dorit dintotdeauna sa ajunga stewardesa, astfel ca imediat dupa liceu, Laura a urmat o facultate juridica. La doar 24 de ani insa, si-a pierdut sora, care adora stewardesele, si asta a facut-o sa isi invinga temerile si sa aleaga pentru ea cariera de insotitor de bord. A urmat cursurile scolii de aviatie Jetav iar mai jos ne spune povestea ei:

1. Laura, care este povestea ta?

Am 24 de ani, sunt din Bucuresti si sunt foarte entuziasmata ca am ocazia sa va raspund la aceste intrebari. Cariera de insotitor de bord nu a fost si la mine, ca in majoritatea cazurilor, un vis de mic copil. Eu am ales initial sa urmez un drum total diferit de cel al aviatiei si anume cel juridic, dar nu am rezonat atat de bine precum ma asteptam cu acest domeniu. Dragostea pentru meseria de insotitor de bord am dobandit-o prin intermediul surorii mele, care din pacate a trecut in nefiinta acum putin timp. A fost visul ei sa ma vada o persoana responsabila, profesionista si impecabila, asa cum este o stewardesa. Pur si simplu le adora si le diviniza, dandu-le mereu un exemplu de urmat.
De acolo de unde este acum, m-a ajutat sa-mi adun puterile si sa incep aceasta scoala de aviatie, in cadrul Jetav Flight Academy, iar acum vreau sa va spun ca a fost cel mai bun lucru care mi s-a intamplat vreodata. Nu m-am simtit niciodata mai sigura pe mine si mai plina de ambitie sa-mi indeplinesc visul meu si pe al ei!

2. De ce ai ales Jetav Flight Academy?

Al doilea cel mai bun lucru care mi s-a intamplat a fost sa ii intalnesc pe minunatii oameni de la Jetav Flight Academy, care intr-un timp relativ scurt, au reusit sa transforme un om si o mentalitate, radical. Daca pana acum nu am stiut exact definitia termenului „mentor”, ei bine, acum o stiu cu siguranta. Datorita lectorilor de la aceasra scoala stiu cu exactitate ca visul meu este aviatia! Multumesc doamna Mihaela Nastase, multumesc domnule Valentin Roth, si nu numai, le multumesc fiecaruia in parte, pentru ca au facut posibila implinirea visului meu.

3. Ce planuri de viitor ai, acum ca ai obtinut licenta de zbor?

Planurile mele de viitor constau categoric in gasirea unui job „la inaltime”, la o companie cu care sa rezonez cat mai bine. Momentan sunt deschisa si abia astept sa imbrac uniforma de stewardesa. Wish me luck!

4. Ce sfaturi le poti oferi celor care isi doresc o cariera ca stewardesa?

Dragi viitori insotitori de bord, purtati-va aripile si in aceasta viata! Nu este nimic care sa va formeze caracterul frumos si puternic, mai bine decat aceasta scoala si un job in aviatie. Va recomand din toata inima sa faceti acest pas si de ce nu, sa devenim colegi in acest minunat domeniu.

Intre timp, Laura s-a angajat la Compania Aeriana Blue Air si zboara de pe baza din Bacau. este fericita ca si-a indeplinit visul si poarta cu mandrie uniforma companiei la care a visat.

Succes si curse usoare, Laura!

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4 years ago · by · Comments Off on Bamboo Airways: Cabin Crew Recruitment Day 12 January 2020

Bamboo Airways: Cabin Crew Recruitment Day 12 January 2020

“We are currently recruiting EXPERINCED CABIN CREW ( CC position and Senior CC), both MALE and FEMALE, on behalf  Bamboo Air.

Date: 12th of January 2020

Venue: Bucharest ( location to be confirmed)

No Psychometric Test Required! NO additional fees!




Position is suitable for EXPERINCED female and male candidates.

Documents needed:

  • Valid Cabin Crew Attestation ( Boeing and/or Airbus) with 1 year minimum flying experience
  • All your training Certificates
  • Medical Certificate ( if available)
  • Updated Cv
  • Recommendation letter


✔️Age between 21-35 years old
✔️No visible tattoo, piercing or scars
✔️Minimum height 160 cm due to safety reason, weight in proportion to height
✔️Ability to swim 25 m unaided
✔️Minimum High school graduate
✔️High level of English, spoken and written

✔️Willing to relocate to Vietnam

 Salary& Benefits:

  • Basic Salary  800 Euro/ month – CC position ( 75 hours/ month)
  • Basic Salary 1300 Euro/ month- Senior CC ( 75 hours/ month)
  • Block hour pay for over 75hours
  • Accommodation provided
  • Based in Vietnam
  • Short term contract ( 3- 6 months)”

APPLY HERE:  Send your CV (  in engleza) + Atestation copy  +  full length picture to the email address: [email protected] – Subject: Bamboo Air. 

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4 years ago · by · Comments Off on 88 de interviuri, doar in Europa, in perioada Decembrie 2019 – Februarie 2020

88 de interviuri, doar in Europa, in perioada Decembrie 2019 – Februarie 2020

Crewlink a pregatit un numar de 88 de interviuri pentru perioada 10 Decembrie 2019  – 28 Februarie 2020. Printre locatiile unde se va efectua recrutarea se numara si Bucuresti, Iasi, Cluj Napoca, Sofia , Budapesta, etc.

Crewlink este partenerul oficial de recrutare pentru Ryanair Holdings PLC, care include Ryanair DAC, Ryanair UK, Buzz, Laudamotion și Malta Air.

Pentru a aplica pentru o zi de recrutare, consultați lista de mai jos și faceți clic pe locația si data aleasă.

Assessment date – Location

Bilbao – 10 December 2019 Bilbao

Krakow – 10 December 2019 Krakow

Oviedo – 11 December 2019Oviedo

Rome – 11 December 2019Rome

Milan Bergamo – 11 December 2019 Milan Bergamo

Vigo – 12 December 2019Vigo

Warsaw – 12 December 2019 Warsaw

Porto – 13 December 2019Porto

Naples – 13 December 2019Naples

Budapest- 13 December 2019Budapest

Poznan – 14 December 2019 Poznan

Lisbon – 16 December 2019Lisbon

Madrid – 17 December 2019Madrid

Barcelona – 18 December 2019Barcelona

Bari – 18 December 2019Bari

Catania – 18 December 2019Catania

London- 19 December 2019London

Prague- 20 December 2019Prague

Manchester – 20 December 2019Manchester

Dublin – 20 December 2019Dublin

Milan Bergamo – 21 December 2019Milan Bergamo

Athens – 21 December 2019Athens

Malaga – 28 December 2019Malaga

Bucharest – 28 December 2019Bucharest

Rome – 28 December 2019Rome

Valencia – 3 January 2020Valencia

Palma de Mallorca – 3 January 2020Palma de Mallorca

Dublin – 4 January 2020Dublin

Pisa – 8 January 2020Pisa

Poznan – 8 January 2020Poznan

Bologna – 8 January 2020Bologna

Katowice – 8 January 2020Katowice

Alicante – 9 January 2020Alicante

Bari – 10 January 2020Bari

Krakow – 10 January 2020Krakow

Thessaloniki – 10 January 2020Thessaloniki

Gdansk – 10 January 2020Gdansk

Rome – 14 January 2020Rome

Athens – 15 January 2020Athens

Venice – 15 January 2020Venice

Madrid – 15 January 2020Madrid

Catania – 15 January 2020Catania

Naples – 16 January 2020Naples

Dublin – 17 January 2020Dublin

Milan Bergamo – 17 January 2020Milan Bergamo

Bucharest – 22 January 2020Bucharest

Palermo – 22 January 2020Palermo

Stuttgart – 23 January 2020Stuttgart

Manchester – 23 January 2020Manchester

Sofia – 24 January 2020Sofia

Turin – 24 January 2020Turin

Graz – 29 January 2020Graz

Poznan – 29 January 2020Poznan

Pescara – 30 January 2020Pescara

Budapest – 31 January 2020Budapest

Edinburgh – 31 January 2020Edinburgh

Alicante – 31 January 2020Alicante

Madrid – 4 February 2020Madrid

Catania – 5 February 2020Catania

Pisa – 5 February 2020Pisa

Bari – 5 February 2020Bari

Rome – 5 February 2020Rome

Bologna – 6 February 2020Bologna

Dublin – 6 February 2020Dublin

Milan Bergamo – 7 February 2020Milan Bergamo

Naples – 7 February 2020Naples

Barcelona – 7 February 2020Barcelona

Bucharest – 12 February 2020Bucharest

Venice – 12 February 2020Venice

Malaga – 14 February 2020Malaga

Athens – 14 February 2020Athens

Seville – 14 February 2020Seville

Madrid – 18 February 2020Madrid

Valencia – 19 February 2020Valencia

Alicante – 19 February 2020Alicante

Turin – 19 February 2020Turin

Dublin – 20 February 2020Dublin

Palermo – 20 February 2020Palermo

Rome – 25 February 2020Rome

Catania – 26 February 2020Catania

Bari – 26 February 2020Bari

Bologna – 26 February 2020Bologna

Naples – 27 February 2020Naples

Barcelona – 28 February 2020Barcelona

Milan Bergamo – 28 February 2020Milan Bergamo

Malta – Date to be announcedMalta

Cluj Napoca – Date to be announcedCluj Napoca

Iasi – Date to be announcedIasi

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4 years ago · by · Comments Off on Ryanair : Cabin Crew Recruitment Day 12 February 2020

Ryanair : Cabin Crew Recruitment Day 12 February 2020

Cabin Crew Opportunities in Bucharest Recruitment Day 12 February 2020

Assessment date: Bucharest – 12 February 2020
Location: Bucharest
Closing date for applications: 08-02-2020


Discover life in the sky and join the Buzz Cabin Crew Team!

Crewlink is the official recruitment partner for Ryanair Holdings PLC which includes Ryanair DAC, Ryanair UK, Buzz, Laudamotion and Malta Air.

These Cabin Crew roles offer real and exciting career opportunities for ambitious crew members to progress their career while exploring Europe’s favourite destinations, sampling new cultures on your days off and meeting interesting people each day, whilst providing our customers with an excellent travel experience.

This position offers a highly competitive salary of flight pay and sales bonus together with amazing staff travel benefits for crew members who excel in this fast-paced, fun and challenging role.

Reasons to join the Buzz Cabin Crew Team!

  • Free Cabin Crew Training Course
  • Free uniform
  • Daily Per Diem provided whilst training
  • A local Polish service agreement through Warsaw Aviation, local Polish taxes and Polish social security
  • CSA €24.50 per SBH = €22,050 p.a. (based on 900 hours)
  • Sales commission of up to €2,000 p.a.
  • Accommodation, Per Diem, Ground Transport provided for overnights for charter operations
  • Fixed 5/3 roster
  • Fantastic promotional opportunities
  • Strong existing market and route network which is rapidly expanding
  • Depending on Base we have Permanent, Contract and Seasonal positions



1. Applicants must have the unrestricted right to live and work in the EU.
2. You must be between 5 “2 (157 cm) and 6” 2 (188 cm) in height.
3. You must be able to swim 25 meters unaided.
4. It helps if you are hardworking, flexible and have an outgoing and friendly personality.
5. Adaptable and happy to work a shift roster.
6. Enjoy dealing with the public and have the ability to provide excellent customer service with a ‘can do’ attitude.
7. Comfortable speaking and writing in English with ease.
8. A passion for travelling and meeting new people.


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4 years ago · by · Comments Off on Ryanair: Cabin Crew Recruitment Day 22 January 2020

Ryanair: Cabin Crew Recruitment Day 22 January 2020

Cabin Crew Opportunities in Bucharest Recruitment Day 22 January 2020

Assessment date: Bucharest – 22 January 2020
Location: Bucharest
Closing date for applications: 18-01-2020


Discover life in the sky and join the Buzz Cabin Crew Team!

Crewlink is the official recruitment partner for Ryanair Holdings PLC which includes Ryanair DAC, Ryanair UK, Buzz, Laudamotion and Malta Air.

These Cabin Crew roles offer real and exciting career opportunities for ambitious crew members to progress their career while exploring Europe’s favourite destinations, sampling new cultures on your days off and meeting interesting people each day, whilst providing our customers with an excellent travel experience.

This position offers a highly competitive salary of flight pay and sales bonus together with amazing staff travel benefits for crew members who excel in this fast-paced, fun and challenging role.

Reasons to join the Buzz Cabin Crew Team!

  • Free Cabin Crew Training Course
  • Free uniform
  • Daily Per Diem provided whilst training
  • A local Polish service agreement through Warsaw Aviation, local Polish taxes and Polish social security
  • CSA €24.50 per SBH = €22,050 p.a. (based on 900 hours)
  • Sales commission of up to €2,000 p.a.
  • Accommodation, Per Diem, Ground Transport provided for overnights for charter operations
  • Fixed 5/3 roster
  • Fantastic promotional opportunities
  • Strong existing market and route network which is rapidly expanding
  • Depending on Base we have Permanent, Contract and Seasonal positions



1. Applicants must have the unrestricted right to live and work in the EU.
2. You must be between 5 “2 (157 cm) and 6” 2 (188 cm) in height.
3. You must be able to swim 25 meters unaided.
4. It helps if you are hardworking, flexible and have an outgoing and friendly personality.
5. Adaptable and happy to work a shift roster.
6. Enjoy dealing with the public and have the ability to provide excellent customer service with a ‘can do’ attitude.
7. Comfortable speaking and writing in English with ease.
8. A passion for travelling and meeting new people.


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4 years ago · by · Comments Off on Ryanair : Cabin Crew Recruitment Day 28 December 2019

Ryanair : Cabin Crew Recruitment Day 28 December 2019

Cabin Crew Opportunities in Bucharest Recruitment Day 28 December 2019

Assessment date: Bucharest – 28 December 2019
Location: Bucharest
Closing date for applications: 24-12-2019


Discover life in the sky and join the Buzz Cabin Crew Team!

Crewlink is the official recruitment partner for Ryanair Holdings PLC which includes Ryanair DAC, Ryanair UK, Buzz, Laudamotion and Malta Air.

These Cabin Crew roles offer real and exciting career opportunities for ambitious crew members to progress their career while exploring Europe’s favourite destinations, sampling new cultures on your days off and meeting interesting people each day, whilst providing our customers with an excellent travel experience.

This position offers a highly competitive salary of flight pay and sales bonus together with amazing staff travel benefits for crew members who excel in this fast-paced, fun and challenging role.

Reasons to join the Buzz Cabin Crew Team!

  • Free Cabin Crew Training Course
  • Free uniform
  • Daily Per Diem provided whilst training
  • A local Polish service agreement through Warsaw Aviation, local Polish taxes and Polish social security
  • CSA €24.50 per SBH = €22,050 p.a. (based on 900 hours)
  • Sales commission of up to €2,000 p.a.
  • Accommodation, Per Diem, Ground Transport provided for overnights for charter operations
  • Fixed 5/3 roster
  • Fantastic promotional opportunities
  • Strong existing market and route network which is rapidly expanding
  • Depending on Base we have Permanent, Contract and Seasonal positions



1. Applicants must have the unrestricted right to live and work in the EU.
2. You must be between 5 “2 (157 cm) and 6” 2 (188 cm) in height.
3. You must be able to swim 25 meters unaided.
4. It helps if you are hardworking, flexible and have an outgoing and friendly personality.
5. Adaptable and happy to work a shift roster.
6. Enjoy dealing with the public and have the ability to provide excellent customer service with a ‘can do’ attitude.
7. Comfortable speaking and writing in English with ease.
8. A passion for travelling and meeting new people.


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4 years ago · by · Comments Off on Air Kiribati: Flight Attendant and Cabin Safety Manager 

Air Kiribati: Flight Attendant and Cabin Safety Manager 

Flight Attendant and Cabin Safety Manager

Air Kiribati is calling for applicants for the position of  Flight Attendant and Cabin Safety Manager in the Jet Program.  This role is a three year contract role that will assist in the training and capacity building of Air Kiribati’s international and domestic Flight Attendants.   Experience and relevant qualifications in managing and training cabin crew is essential for this role.

How to apply

To express your interest please attach a cover letter that details your abilities against the selection criteria (in English), your latest CV.   . Evidence of training, qualifications is also preferred as well as referees who can vouch for your skills and experience. All documents are to be contained in one email. 

Your cover letter, CV, and additional information should be emailed no later than 23rd September  and addressed to:

Mr Danial Rochford – General Manager Commercial and Operations  – Bonriki Airport, Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati.

All applications should be emailed in confidence to [email protected]

Download Job Description Here

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4 years ago · by · Comments Off on Interviu cu Alexandra Ciresoiu, cursanta noastrã

Interviu cu Alexandra Ciresoiu, cursanta noastrã

Alexandra a absolvit cursurile scolii de aviatie Jetav si a imbracat rapid uniforma de stewardesa Air Bucharest. Dupa un sezon de zbor, timp in care a descoperit ce inseamna cu adevarat viata de stewardesa, acum a venit momentul sa schimbe uniforma rosie cu una albastra. Alexandra se pregateste sa porneasca intr-o noua aventura, ca stewardesa Ryanair si mai jos ne spune povestea ei.

1. Care este povestea ta, cum te-ai orientat spre meseria de stewardesa?

Inca de mic copil mi-a plăcut sa observ însoțitoarele de bord împreuna cu piloții si intreg echipajul. Cum paseau impreuna in aeroport, cum zambeau si pareau mereu pregatiti pentru orice. Mi-au starnit interesul si imi intrebam mereu familia despre acele fete, stewardese, despre jobul lor si ce ar trebui sa fac ca sa ajung si eu intr-o zi, ca ele. Stiu insa ca o cariera de însoțitor de bord este una dificila deoarece stewardsele trebuie sa asigure nu doar siguranța zborului dar și a pasagerilor. Am ales aceasta cariera deoarece pana la 22 ani am simțit ca locul meu este printre oameni, fiind o persoana care iubeste sa comunice. In plus, călătoriile și cunoașterea tradițiilor și a oamenilor din diferite părți ale lumii au fost de asemenea un criteriu in alegerea jobului de stewardesa.

2. Te-ai inscris la cursurile Academiei Jetav si ai obtinut atestatul de membru al echipajului de cabina. Ce ne poti spune despre experienta ta aici?

Simt ca Școala Jetav este cea mai buna cale prin care iti poti îndeplini visul de a zbura si de a ajunge printre nori. Atat profesorii cât și colegii au fost înțelegători, deschiși și plini de viața pe tot parcursul trainingului. Despre profesorii Jetav nu as putea spune decât ca dacă ar fi sa le pot da o nota între 1 și 10, as da fara ezitare 10! Lectorii Jetav sunt oameni care își dau toată silință pentru a ne învața tot de avem nevoie astfel incat nu doar sa reusim sa trecem examenele ci si sa ne angajam si sa avem o cariera de succes in aviatie.

3. Care sunt planurile tale de viitor?!

Planurile mele de viitor sunt bineinteles sa zbor cat mai mult! Cel mai important este sa lucrez in domeniul in care am fost pregătită de cei mai buni profesori. Mi-am inceput deja cariera la Compania Air Bucharest, am acumulat ore de zbor si experienta iar acum voi continua ca stewardesa Ryanair.

4. Ce sfaturi le dai celor care doresc sa se înscrie la o scoala de aviatie?

Sfatul meu pentru cei care isi doresc o cariera de insotitor de bord este sa aleaga Jetav Flight Academy. Noii cursanți ar trebui sa fie cât mai atenți la predare deoarece pot asimila foarte multe informații si isi pot simplifica viata foarte mult. De asemenea, le doresc sa își urmeze visul, pentu ca visele devin realitate !

Ciresoiu Alexandra Florentina

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4 years ago · by · Comments Off on Nanshan Jet: Flight attendant (male)

Nanshan Jet: Flight attendant (male)

Flight attendant (male)

Nanshan Jet
Location: China
Job type: Permanent
Sector: Flight Crew
Category: Cabin Crew Jobs

Crew (male)Job Responsibilities:

1. Carry out flight missions arranged by the company, provide quality services to passengers on board, and ensure the safety of passengers in flight

.2. Collect customer service opinions, handle customer abnormal events and complaints, investigate, statistics, and analyze customer satisfaction.

3. Keep track of flight information at any time according to flight dynamics, monitor various services well.

4. Carry out the monitoring and maintenance of aircraft cabin equipment.

5. Need to assist medical staff (stretcher, etc.)

6. Complete other tasks assigned by the leadership.job requirements:

1. Age: about 28 years old.

2. Gender: male.

3. Height: 170 to 175.

4. Education: college degree or above.

Flight attendants within 5.6 months.6.

At least three years of flight experience in flight, at least first class flight experience, business jet flight experience is preferred.

7. Have a good foundation in English and be able to communicate proficiently in English.

8.Comprehensive quality, good team consciousness, good appearance temperament, high service consciousness.

9. Good communication and coordination ability, interpersonal relationship building ability, and stress resistance ability.

10. When leaving the original company, you can issue a certificate of flight hours (with the original company seal).


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4 years ago · by · Comments Off on Spirit Airlines: Flight Attendant – (All Spirit Bases)

Spirit Airlines: Flight Attendant – (All Spirit Bases)

Flight Attendant – (All Spirit Bases)

Spirit Airlines
Location: Fort Lauderdale
Job type: Permanent
Sector: Flight Crew
Category: Flight Attendant Jobs

Flight Attendant – (All Spirit Bases)

Job Locations

US-FL-Fort Lauderdale

Requisition Post Information* : Posted Date

2 months ago(9/13/2019 6:31 PM)

Requisition Number


# of Openings





What does it mean to be a Spirit Flight Attendant? Flight Attendants are the face of Spirit – they welcome Guests with a smile; they are fun and friendly, relaxed and confident, playful yet professional. Spirit Flight Attendants care about getting Guests where they need to be safely, reliably, and on time.

As a Spirit Flight Attendant, you are responsible for providing excellence in Guest services and an enjoyable experience on board any one of our 135 aircrafts. We have the youngest fleet in the industry and are looking for the friendliest Attendants to fly our skies with us! Sounds like something you’d like to do? We thought so, too.

As a representative of the fastest growing airline in the U.S., you will help our Guests love and appreciate Spirit’s unbundled fares. We proudly make it easy for our Guests to choose the optional services they value most. Spirit Airlines Flight Attendants provide leadership, direction, and assistance to fellow Spirit Team Members and Guests.


* Responsible for the safety and comfort of Guests aboard the aircraft while providing exemplary service.
* Provide Guests with briefings pre-flight, during flight, and after landing.
* Assist Guests by answering any inquiries they may have in addition to aiding Guests with their carry-on items, which may require overhead lifting.
* Market, sell, and provide snacks and beverages to Guests.
* Check emergency equipment and be aware of hazardous situations in the cabin.
* Demonstrate the use of emergency equipment as required.
* Provides leadership, direction, and assistance during an emergency situation, including aircraft evacuation, administering first aid to ill or incapacitated Guests, and during incidents such as turbulent flights and delayed flights.
* Maintain compliance with all Federal Aviation Regulations as well as Spirit’s policies and procedures.
* May perform other responsibilities as assigned. Responsibilities and duties may change due to operational needs.


* Must be at least 21 years of age.
* Must be at least 5’0 (without shoes).
* Must be able to lift 50lbs from floor to shoulder level, ability to reach aircraft overhead bins and storage areas.
* Must be able to fasten a four point jump seat harness without the use of extension devices.
* Must have valid passports/documents with the ability to travel in and out of the USA and to all cities/countries served by Spirit Airlines.
* Must be eligible to work in the United States without sponsorship.
* At least 2 years of experience in the Guest Service, Hospitality and/or Sales/Merchandising industry.
* Must be dependable, energetic, outgoing, a team player, and demonstrate leadership and exceptional interpersonal skills.
* Must be flexible and willing to relocate to a base assignment at your own expense in any current or future crew bases.
* Required to attend and successfully complete a 4-week Initial Flight Attendant training held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
* Ability to work flexible hours, days and holidays.
* Ability to work in close quarters with service animals as well as all snack items, including but not limited to peanuts.
* Ability to communicate effectively. Must be proficient in the English language; bilingual in Spanish is a plus.
* Must maintain a polished, professional and conservative appearance at all times.
* High School Diploma or GED required, College degree preferred.
* Driver’s license is preferred.

*Please be advised that you will be asked to complete a required assessment to be considered for this position. This assessment will be emailed to you after you apply. Please be sure to check your Spam folder and/or junk mail if you do not receive it.

We offer a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits to our Team Members including medical, dental, STD, LTD, life insurance, 401(k), paid time off, travel benefits and much more. We strive to maintain a professional, yet friendly environment and promote professional and career development for our team members.

EEOC Statement

Spirit Airlines is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer. We are committed to complying with all federal, state, and local laws providing equal employment opportunities, and all other applicable employment laws and regulations. It is our intent to maintain a workplace free from harassment, discrimination, and retaliation because of age, sex (including pregnancy), race, national origin, disability, color, religion, genetic information, sexual orientation, military or veteran status, or any other status protected by federal, state or local laws.


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Sales Fun Flight Simulator
(+4) 0728 354 448

Cabin Crew Training Manager
(+4) 0737 880 100

Cpt. Alexandru GEICĂ
Head of Training
(+4) 0722 465 585